Terms and Conditions
This menu can be used subject to the following terms and conditions.
- You may use this menu in your 'paid projects' for client websites provided a donation is made to support CSSplay.
- You may use this menu as part of an application interface provided a donation is made to support CSSplay.
- You may use this menu on personal and commercial websites, again a donation should be made to support CSSplay.
- You may NOT place this menu on another site for others to download.
- You may NOT redistrubute or resell this menu.
- Users agree not to remove or edit the credit notice within the stylesheet, or claim that this menu is their own.
Because of all the time and effort spent in producing this demonstration I would ask that you respect my copyright.
If you are using this on a personal web site then please add a link back to CSSplay and retain any copyright comment in the stylesheet.
A donation to the 'Support CSSplay' fund would be appreciated.
2. If you are using this on a commercial web site, or as a paying job for a client, then please email me asking for permission - stu{at}cssplay.co.uk and in this case a donation to the 'Support CSSplay' fund is required.
3. If you are having problems integrating any of my demonstrations into your website then I now offer a service to fault find and correct any errors that you may have introduced. Please email me for more information.