Balloon Meet Support
Services Limited

Organising an event? ...
Want to include Hot Air Balloons but afraid it could be too complicated?


As Organisers of Hot Air Balloon events we offer specialised support facilities as a comprehensive package.
Tailored to individual requirements we will ensure the ballooning activity at your event runs smoothly -
leaving you free to concentrate on the other aspects of your event
We will work with you prior to your event and arrange for Balloons to attend and support your event.
On your behalf we will arrange all necessary permissions to be in place for every aspect of Balloon Activity
from mass launches, to tethered displays and choreographed nightglows set to music.

Our own personnel will be on site throughout your event to work with your event team
and to oversee and control the Hot Air Balloon element of the proceedings.

While spectacular, mass launches of hot air balloons involve particular planning, safety considerations and sometimes
a ‘flying competition’ so specialist knowledge is required to organise these at public displays.

When working with you we aim to achieve two main objectives:

  • To generate positive awareness of your event among balloon pilots
  • To relieve you of the specific pressures created by the ballooning element
Ballooning is a very specialised activity relying not just on weather conditions but also on the rules of aviation governed by the Civil Aviation Authority and the goodwill of landowners where balloons touch down. Balloon Meet Support Services Limited are also able to offer a personal photographic service to event Organisers in order to help promote and advertise your event in advance.

  For more details about the Company please go to ‘About Us’ or complete the form on the 'Contact Us' page

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